Member Meetings
Second Tuesday at 7:30 pm during the following months:
January - May
September - November
Calvin Christian Collegiate Campus
706 Day Street
Winnipeg, MB
Upcoming Events
February Member Meeting
(In Person)
(In Person)
Daryl Wright - Out of (or Into) Africa
With Daryl’s experience, his task brings him to be involved as Catylaste+ to a path of becoming an advisor into a journey to understand African bees, and to try and help the industry in Ethiopia.
Past Events
Annual General Meeting
Join us in January for the Red River Apiarists’ Association Annual General Meeting and elections. This event is your chance to shape our club’s future by bringing fresh ideas to the executive team and solidifying committees that support our mission. All executive roles are open for nominations—make your voice count!
December Social Night
Join us in December for our annual social night! This is an opportunity to meet and mingle with other club members while enjoying food and beverages!
December 11, 2024 from 7:00 - 10:00pm
Sookram's Brewing Company
November Member Meeting
(In Person)
(In Person)
Rheal Lafreniere - There and Back Again:
In this presentation, Rheal shares his recent journeys to Honduras as a Catalyste+ Advisor.
September Member Meeting
(In Person)
(In Person)
Dr. Rob Currie shares how to best prepare your bees for the cold winter months ahead.