Swarm Patrol

Honey Bee Swarms

Swarming is an instinctive part of the life cycle of a honey bee colony.  It is a way for the colony to reproduce itself. Honey bees in Manitoba tend to swarm in late spring or early summer as the colony rapidly grows in size during this time of year.  A swarm is generally gentle and not inclined to sting or attack unless threatened.  They will often temporarily gather on a tree or other structural object and will leave on their own within a day or two for a permanent home.

Swarm Problems?

Red River Apiarists’ Association has a group of beekeepers who will attempt to relocate accessible honey bee swarms.  For honey bees that have moved into permanent structures, these involve significant renovations and is very invasive. Unless they are in an accessible spot, like inside a shed where the comb can be seen, the RRAA does not do honey bee removals from structures and buildings.  The best options for these situations is to leave them where they are (they will often die over the next winter) or contact a professional exterminator for removal. 

Report a Swarm

Before contacting us, it's important to verify that the swarm is indeed honey bees – see Identifying Honey Bees

To report a swarm, send an email to swarmpatrol@rraa.ca. Include as many details as possible, such as:

Become a Swarm Patrol Member

If you're a current RRAA member interested in becoming a part of our swarm patrol team, email us at swarmpatrol@rraa.ca